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On MLK Day, I’m Golden.

Posted on January 17th, by Kauser in General. No Comments

I didn’t think about being brown, a minority, a brown woman, a brown Muslim woman and all the minorities that description contains, for a long time.  I’m not sure when or where the idea of race and identity hit me or why.  I always knew I was different as the only other Indians and Muslims in my community were my family.  Growing up in suburban Chicago, in my particular suburb, there was actual diversity in race, ethnicity, and economics, though many times I’m not sure I noticed it all.  This has to do, perhaps, with my own naivety, and being sort of “color blind” myself; thinking that I wasn’t really different than anyone else.

Of course, as you grow older and have more bumps and bruises from running into different types of people and points of view, your opinions and realizations … Read More »