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Sisters of Charity Health System

Posted on November 7th, by Kauser in Portfolio, Project Management, Technology Implementation. No Comments

This was a smaller project, but the type we love to work on as it gets us on the ground floor of what’s happening in our communities. This project involved looking at how the Sisters of Charity Health Systems’ Building Healthy Communities program might be able to better organize and collect data to begin formal evaluations for their programs.  These wonderful Building Healthy Communities programs focus on increasing the health of Cleveland neighborhoods though participation in farmers markets, dance/exercise classes, and health education. It was a pleasure working with the staff at Building Healthy Communities, Sisters of Charity Health System, and St. Vincent Charity Medical Center.  Our final report included a comprehensive review of their program details and looked at how surveys, better attendance tracking, and using the hospital’s existing CRM could streamline what they needed for reporting, evaluation, and operations.

Interview with David O’Neil

Posted on October 15th, by Emily in General, Interviews. No Comments

Ohio City is so excited to welcome The 8th International Public Markets Conference to the neighborhood this month! In a preview of the event, staff from Ohio City’s own small business Strategic Urban Solutions sat down with David O’Neil to talk about the economic and health benefits of markets in our communities. For more information visit the event’s website.

Like most good things in life, David O’Neil fell into his profession. While working at the Reading Market as a way to get to talk to people for a mystery he was writing, he was approached by a few men who had worked for the Reading Railroad that owned the market. A couple days later he was offered the job of running the market. Talk about being in the right place at the right time! Mr. O’Neil did not have any previous … Read More »